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Houdini Work 

Mocap data with Fluid effect

Procedural Modeling Dog Treat Bakery 


Took a motion capture txt file, which contains point positions (x,y,z) of motion capture markers and used python to separate the data and write a new sequence of files to be used in Houdini, and in Houdini added a fluid effect.

Created a complex scene of a dog treat bakery display procedurally through the copy-to-point nodes. Also was responsible for the texturing and lighting of the scene. 

Procedural Modeling Building

Modeled a building procedurally with added user controls to be able to control the number of houses, width, depth, height, randomize color, randomize balcony appearance, roof height, roof offset, roof thickness, window size, and window spacing.



Maya Work

Halloween Movie Night Environment 


Modeled, textured and lighted all aspects of the environment 

Willy Jeep Model


Nurbs Lantern Model

Box modeling Willy's Jeep with added on side shovel and gas tank.


Modeled a lantern in Nurbs. 

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